Bang Gang 的主唱和主要创作者Bardi Johannson是一个全身透露着让我发疯的忧郁气息的人,忧郁而冷漠,就如同他的音乐,平静的你想哭。当Bardi的第一张专集中的第一首歌So alone在冰岛电台第一次播出时,就给整个冰岛带来了大的冲击,随后由著名前卫导演Ragnar Bragason执导的 MTV就在晚间的MTV频道播出,Bardi还为Ragnar的第一部电影做了出色的配音。后来,Bardi便在丹麦、法国走红。Bardi是一个实验的人,无论是音乐还是创作方式,甚至是他的乐队,他经常尝试和许多歌手合作,Sara Gudmundsdottir、 Vedis Hervor Arnad、法国著名歌手Keren Ann。Bardi喜欢在他的音乐中放入女声,但是他自己的声音与演唱也是无法比拟的。
You were like a glimpse on to the stars
As we were dancing forward and reverse
One whole day
Under heavy rain
Don’t ever say
That we weren’t happy then
You were like a glimpse on to the stars
As we were dancing forward and reverse
One whole day
Under heavy rain
Don’t ever say
That we weren’t happy then
I miss the times
When everything was coming our way
I wish those times
Would brig us back together some day
You were like a glimpse on to the stars
As we were dancing forward and reverse
One whole day