哥抽的是烟 吐出来的是寂寞
在流行音乐历史上,仅凭借一支单曲就足以红遍全球的乐队或者歌手非常罕见,但是The Eagles(老鹰)乐队就是这样一支成就辉煌的乐队,他们的单曲《Hotel California(加州旅馆)》可以说是除了美国国歌以外最为著名的美国歌曲,即便是时间过去了三十年之后,这首歌依然没有丝毫褪色,他已成为了美国具有象征性的音乐作品之一,乐队本身也已进入了摇滚乐名人堂,The Eagles代表着一个时代。他们不仅是70年代最畅销的乐队之一,而且他们1976年发行的两张作品,精选集《Eagles: Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975》和专辑《Hotel California》双双进入了美国唱片工业协会(RIAA)历史十大最畅销专辑行列,《Eagles: Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975》仅在美国本土的销量就超过了两千八百万张,平均每十个美国人就拥有一张他的唱片,被RIAA认证为美国历史上的销量最高的唱片,大大高于Micheal Jackson的《Thriller》的两千六百万和Pink Floyd的《The Wall》的两千三百万。专辑《Hotel California》的销量超过一千六百万张,同时,他们的另一张精选集《Greatest Hits, Volume II》销量也超过了一千万张,同样成为了钻石唱片(RIAA规定,美国本土销量达到50万张鉴定为金唱片,100万张为白金唱片,1000万张就被授予钻石唱片的奖励称号,此外还有多白金唱片的鉴定)。乐队本身也以总计超过8600万张唱片的销售纪录成为了美国历史上第三大畅销的乐队,仅次于披头士乐队 (the Beatles)和齐柏林飞船乐队(Led Zeppelin)。
歌曲:Desperado 歌手:The Eagles
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses You've been out ridin' fences, for so long now. Ohh you're a hard one. I know that you've got your reasons. These things that are pleasin'you Can hurt you somehow. Don't you draw the queen of diamonds boy She'll beat you if she's able. You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet. Now it seems to me, some fine things Have been laid upon your table. But you only want the ones That you can't get. Desperado, Oh you aint getting no younger. Your pain and your hunger, They're driving you home. And freedom, ohh freedom. Well that's just some people talking. Your prison is walking through this world all alone. Don't your feet get cold in the winter time? The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine. It's hard to tell the night time from the day. And you're losing all your highs and lows aint it funny how the feeling goes away ... Desperado, Why don't you come to your senses? come down from your fences, open the gate. It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you. You better let somebody love you. (let sombody love you) You better let somebody love you before it's too late. 每次听这首Desperado,都会有一种感动。The Eagles很少用钢琴,衬托Don Henly的声音更加质感。旋律凄美,诉说着一种对未来征程的迷茫。 下载地址