Reverse Anal
Dr. Peter Buttram, urologist, proctologist, says:
I do NOT recommend anal sex. However, if you must...
1. Wash up before sex -- especially the anus.
2. Use a condom.
3. Wash up immediately after sex -- especially the anus and the penis.
4.Especially avoid Reverse Anal.
The correct order for triorafice sex is:
1. Oral (felattio, cunninlingus)
2. Coitus (penis & vagina)
3. Anal (penis in condom in anus)
Don't stick the tongue or fingers or unprotected penis in the anus.
Reverse Anal is:
1. Anal (penis in anus -- especially if unprotected)
2. Coitus (poopy penis in vagina)
3. Oral (poopy, pussified penis in woman's mouth.
Reverse Anal for gayboys is:
1. Unprotected Anal.
2. Oral.
Don't say to me, "Doctor, WHY did this happen to me?"